Lesson 7 The Alphabeth r when standing after a vowel, it is pronounced just as in the English "better" or "easier". When it is before it is quite different. This r sound should be found back in the throat. The very back of the tongue is put up and when letting air through this "rrrrrrr" sound should appear. When said like this it is not a nice feeling even for me. When you can say this "rrrrr" you have to control it so you can use it in words. You only need one attack when saying the "r" and when only saying one it is ok nice to say. :) a can be pronounced as a in "after" or a in "and" and now you can say: Jeg hedder Carol (my name is Carol) Du hedder (your name is ) Jeg spiser (I eat) Du spiser (you eat) The infinitiv of spiser is: at spise (a pronounced as "and") for the present tense you just add an "r" han (he) hun (she) The singular of "spise" is then Infinitiv: at spise jeg spiser du spiser han/hun spiser and you will see later that the verb doesn't change in plural either. Small sentence: Jeg spiser en is.